Dissertation work is dedicated to role of Haydar Aliyev in formation and development of political press in Azerbaijan Republic. Process of creation and development of first national political press in Azerbaijan, steps of ihis process are explained in the work. Special attention is paid to stage оf Haydar Aliyev in political press of Contemporary Azerbaijan.
Dissertation work contains introductory, three chapters, summary and list of used literatures.
Actuality of dissertation subject, its level of usage are substantiated, objectives and responsibilities of research, its scientific innovation, as well as its theoretical and practical importance are set forth in the Introductory.
In the fırst chapter of the dissertation specifıcations of creation and development of national political press of Azerbaijan, role of Haydar Aliyev in National revival and National self-recognition, essence of stage of Haydar Aliyev in political life and press of Contemporary Azerbaijan are analysed.
In the second chapter of dissertation special attention is paid to role of Haydar Aliyev in formation of independent democratic state, to importance of his many sided socio-political statehood activity, as well as influence of political parties and political media to formation and development of democratic National values are investigated.
In the third chapter of dissertation «role of political leader in formation of political pluralism in mass media» is explained. Concerning this, care of Haydar Aliyev to realization of pluralist political information is analysed.
Care of Haydar Aliyev to formation of pluralist democracy in mass media is explained, also specifıcations of development of democratic media in Azerbaijan in transition period is noted.
In the result the author puts forward theoretical and practical offers on the basis of analyses.